Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorder ( Mpd ) Is Associated...

Essential thrombocythemia TERMINOLOGY CLINICAL CLARIFICATION This chronic myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) is associated with mass quantity of platelets that are put out by megakaryocytes Also known as Primary thrombocythemia Idiopathic thrombocythemia Has a prevalence 30/100000 in the general population11 CLASSIFICATION Not applicable DIAGNOSIS CLINICAL PRESENTATION History Half of all patients with essential thrombocythemia report no symptoms1 The rest of patient report symptoms either related to small or large vessel thrombosis or both Microvascular occlusion (small vessel): distal peripheral involvement like finger and toes Aspirin-sensitive erythromelalgia9 Patient might report digital pain that is made worst with exposure to heat and improves with cold and usage of aspirin Patient report s neurologic involvements like: episodic transient ischemic attacks, paresthesias, vertigo, syncope, dysphoria, seizures, but most often headaches is the most common neurological complain Macrovascular occlusion (large vessel): may involve thrombosis of large veins and arteries the can occlude entire extremities or vital organs like heart (myocardial infarction), kidney (renal failure), brain (stroke), lung (pulmonary vascular occlusions), hepatic (Budd Chiari Syndrome) or priapism (rare complication) Bleeding is associated with essential thrombocythemia Bleeding could be internal or external related Internal: post-head trauma intracranial hemorrhage, hemarthrosis External:

Monday, December 16, 2019

People Are Just as Happy as They Make Up Free Essays

â€Å"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be. † (F) What is happiness and how is it achieved? Simple questions, with different complex answers, none of which can be proved to be right or wrong. Happiness is an individual state of being of each person, acquired by one’s perception in that special moment in time. We will write a custom essay sample on People Are Just as Happy as They Make Up or any similar topic only for you Order Now It simply depends on the individual and how they try to obtain it. Thousands of people try different paths in order to successfully achieve happiness; some of them finding it, some of them never reaching the goal. There are thousands of different answers and meanings for happiness. In this paper, I will argue that the most necessary virtue an individual needs to be have to be happy, is the virtue of mind. Aristotle, one of the most important Greek philosophers in history, defined happiness as the activity of the mind in accordance with virtue. He did not think of happiness as just a state of being; he thought of happiness to be the highest form of good. Everything people do has a specific purpose in life; it aims at something, at a final good. Happiness is an end sufficient in itself, is the end at which all our actions aim. In order to reach this perfect state, he thought the individual should possess; external, mind and bodily virtues and living and acting in accordance to them. By doing so, achieving total happiness. Virtue is what aids proper functioning, since when possessed makes the possessor good. Virtue is a matter of having an apt attitude towards pleasure and pain; therefore it lies in a mean between two extremes. Aristotle implied the mean or balance to be between two vices, the excess which is the one that exceeds and defect the one that falls short, of what is right in our desires and actions. Whereas virtue, finds and chooses what is intermediate. The idea of the virtue then, is for the desires to set the situation and for the individual to be able to choose the intermediate and act like a virtuous person. External pleasures; such as honor, wealth and power. Physical pleasures such as beauty, health, and fertility. And mental pleasures such as; patience, intelligence and honesty, are the virtues he believed lead to a good life. In order to achieve happiness, is necessary to be a virtuous person. If the individual does not have virtues, then it does not have anything to guide heir lives by. That being said, the most important virtue to possess is the virtue of the mind, which refers to peace of mind. After being able to attain peace of mind, accomplishing the other virtues and making good use of them is much easier, since mental pleasure is the basis of every other virtue. Positive thoughts, security, believing and accepting oneself, high self-esteem and more, is what make s one happy and leads the individual in the pursuit of more positive actions, therefore making the individual more likely to obtain the other virtues. The way one thinks of themselves and the attitude that one has about life tells a lot about a person. People who have virtue of the mind are going to be happy no matter what, because they know how to react towards life, even in the moments of misfortune or disgrace. For example, people who are going through hard times know how to handle the situation better because they have a positive outlook on life and are able to cope with those situations better. People who have virtue of the mind also know their various challenges and obstacles and are still able to overcome them. Having peace of mind, and knowing how to make good use of one’s internal virtues, is an effortless way to live one’s life and have a better future. By accepting oneself intellectually, physically and interiorly, as well as accepting the environment in which one lives, including the people, the traditions and society, to the point where one respects the other people, including their acts, their way of thinking and their way of living. Peace of mind is not worrying about the future or for the things that happened in the past. But to live the present in an authentic and exceptional manner, to not worry some day about the things you should have done before but to be satisfied and happy of how has lived their lives. Virtue of the mind also means to love oneself more than anything and anyone, since to love and care for someone one must first learn how to know, care and love themselves. Someone might object that the virtue of the mind is not the most important virtue to have since nowadays to have positive thoughts and a peaceful mind it’s not enough to make someone happy, but wealth and influence. Being beautiful, honest, intelligent, and healthy is nothing if one does not have money. Most people are always in the persistent struggle to be prosperous, given that the people who do not have money are miserable because they do not have â€Å"anything. † Poor people for example, are not happy, even though they possess physical and mind virtues; they lack external ones, such as money and are unfortunate because without wealth you are nothing. In the society of nowadays, being wealthy is not an option, but a must to be happy. One might object to it, but how can one explain that some wealthy and influence people are unhappy. Wealth and influence does not give people happiness. Just a positive attitude towards life would give someone the final good. There are some famous people that despite great wealth seem miserable. Some of them don’t even have a stable partner, usually get in trouble with the law all the time, fall in the live drugs, and some of them even commit suicide. Heath Ledger, for example, known as one of the best actors in history for the leading role of the joker in â€Å"The Dark Night†, recognized as one of the best-selling movies of all time. Famous, with family, wealthy and in the media everywhere, but despite all that â€Å"happiness† he had, he still committed suicide, possibly caused by a depression of not fulfilling the expectations of the fans or even not knowing how to cope with the pressure of the role. For some people money can bring a lot of happiness in the sense of stability, freedom and independence. However, money with lack of peace of mind is nothing and would get the individual nowhere. A survey titled â€Å"Joys and Dilemma of Wealth† by Boston College revealed that the wealthiest people are unhappy because they are worried about seeming ungrateful, rearing spoiled children and failing to meet expectations. These people are in the mouth of everyone; their names appear in the media with false gossip, and their privacy is always intruded. This a mistake where the individuals centered their lives on the external, and are concerned too much about what other people think without believing in themselves, leading them not only to auto destructive acts but violent actions for them and their families. For some, money and wealth gives happiness, but definitely not the truly one. Only mental pleasure; believing in oneself, having a positive attitude, having high self-esteem and loving oneself like no other, would lead one to complete happiness. Material or external possessions are not essential, if the individual knows and recognizes what their goals in live are. To corroborate the importance of the virtues of mind to reach happiness, first of all the individual needs to realize and be aware that happiness is an internal state of being of each person. There are numerous amounts of people in the world who could serve as examples to support the importance of the virtue of mind in the path of achieving happiness. Nelson Mandela, for example, one of the most recognized, respected and admired political leaders of our time. In spite of the extremely poor conditions he had to live in during his early life and nearly three decades of imprisonment, he still struggle and did everything he could to fight for his believes against racial oppression. His heroic acts made him win the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. By this and many other important things that he has done, is when he saw his ideals and purpose in life, coming true. Most likely, giving him the complete happiness he has always fought for. Nick Vujicic is an admirable person, and another great example of the importance of just having a positive attitude towards life to be happy. Nick was born with no limbs, he is practically just torso, and has a small foot on his left hip which helps him with balance. Nick’s father taught him to swim at 18 months, to type with his little toe at just 6 years of age, and his mom invented a special plastic device for him to hold a pen or pencil with his mouth to be able to write. He plays golf, swims and surfs. Even though it was really difficult for him to adapt to his difference when little, he overcame every issue he had and nowadays is an admirable person, who has traveled to 24 countries of the world sharing how this problem has become a blessing for him, and how just by changing your attitude towards life makes a great difference in every individual. Just like these examples, there are many more cases of people that just by having a positive attitude towards life have been able to succeed or overcome obstacles even though they have had a hard life. Supporting that if an individual has virtue of the mind, and has always a positive view, fights for their ideals and know what they want for their life they will achieve happiness. DO NOT USE â€Å"YOU†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Works Cited Little, Lyneka. Miseries of the Rich and Famous: The Concerns of the Super Rich: Wealth Does Not Bring Happiness-ABC. Bill Melinda Gates Foundation and Calibre Wealth Management, Boston College. 21 March. 2011. Web October 14. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/aristotle/ http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20080716235657AAyU5iY http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/34560/Aristotle/254722/Happiness#ref923103 http://abcnews. go. com/Business/concerns-super-rich-wealth-bring-happiness/story? id=13167578#. UHsgpMVYuSo ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Abraham Lincoln How to cite People Are Just as Happy as They Make Up, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Quantitative Study Evaluation Essay Sample free essay sample

The intent of this research is to measure the Effectss of Classroom Structure on Student Achievement Goal Orientation. There were three categories chosen and the pupils had to put hebdomadal ends based on public presentation and acquisition. Many of the pupils in the eventuality group based their hebdomadal ends more on larning than public presentation and many of the pupils in the nominal economic system status set were more based on public presentation ends. Evaluation of the Title In this survey of schoolroom construction on pupil accomplishment end orientation the rubric does reflect the major independent variable ( schoolroom construction ) and the dependant variable ( student accomplishment end orientation ) . The rubric expresses a relationship/correlation among the two variables. For illustration. is at that place a relationship between the consequence of schoolroom construction ( IV0 and pupil accomplishment end orientation ( DV ) ; or does student accomplishment end orientation ( DV ) cause the consequence of schoolroom construction ( IV ) ? Evaluation of the Problem Statement This survey is geared towards an educational survey of pupil accomplishment and schoolroom construction. Does construction in the schoolroom have an consequence on pupil accomplishment ; harmonizing to the research this issue is highly of import in the universe of pedagogues and the job statement does bespeak an educational issue. Harmonizing to Ames ( 1992 ) pupils with a public presentation end orientation can go vulnerable to helplessness. particularly when they perform ill on academic undertakings. Besides. pupils frequently avoid more hard undertakings and exhibit small intrinsic involvement in academic activities. and that a negative relationship exists between public presentation ends and productive accomplishment behaviour ( Greene A ; Miller. 1996 ) . The writer of this survey has provided several groundss sing the importance of the issue. For illustration. research workers have systematically found grounds for a positive relationship between larning ends and productive accomplishment behaviours ( Ames A ; Archer. 1988 ) . Other grounds that have been found is that pupils wh o are focused on larning ends typically prefer disputing activities. persist at hard undertakings. and describe high degrees of involvement and undertaking engagement. The writer located this issue through several empirical surveies. and laboratory surveies. Harmonizing to Schunk ( 1996 ) in several empirical surveies. research workers have established a relationship between the saliency of certain end orientations and alterations in single behaviour and every bit far as old research lab surveies have created acquisition and public presentation end conditions by pull stringsing the instructions provided to kids sing the undertakings at manus. This research job does suit a quantitative attack because a quantitative survey explains and predicts dealingss among two variables the independent and dependent variables. There is an premise of the survey that is consistent with the survey quantitative attack. One of the premises that are consistent with this survey is that a pupil. who has a learning disablement in mathematics. will non be motivated by the same sum of items to finish mathematics assignments as other pupils in the same schoolroom who have me an abilities in this topic. We can non presume that one pupil can be less motivated from the other pupil. Evaluation of the Literature Review The writer did reexamine the independent and dependent variable in the analysis of this survey. The writer examined the consequence of the schoolroom rating construction on students’ achievement ends. The independent variable in the analysis was schoolroom construction. which is consisted of three degrees: nominal economic system. eventuality contract. and control. The dependent variable was end type ( public presentation or learning ends ) that pupils set for mathematics. As I viewed the survey I do non experience as the survey followed the APA format. Evaluation of the Purpose. Hypotheses. and Research Questions In this survey the writer does non stipulate a purpose statement. The purpose statement is non clear in this survey and it does non bespeak the variables. nevertheless in the abstract the writer indicate that she is seeking to compare the figure of larning vs. public presentation ends that pupils set within and across schoolroom construction conditions. A good intent statement for this survey could be: The intent of this survey is to depict how schoolroom construction is influenced by pupil accomplishment end orientation in mathematics for pupils in simple school. The participants in this survey were indicated every bit good as the site to be studied. For illustration. participants included 2 fifth grade categories and 1 fourth-grade category and the site is at a local simple school. Merely one inquiry was written and the inquiry is whether an intercession such as eventuality catching will take to an addition in larning ends comparative to public presentation ends? There are three hypotheses: ( a ) the token-economy schoolroom construction would be related positively to student performance-goal orientation. ( B ) the eventuality contract schoolroom construction would be related positively to student learning-goal orientation. and ( degree Celsius ) the control schoolroom construction would be unrelated to student end orientation. Evaluation of Data Collection In order to carry on this survey the writer tells that he obtained entree to participants at a local simple school. The participants include 2 5th class categories and 1 4th grade category. In this survey a strict chance trying scheme was in usage. It was stated in the research that each integral schoolroom was assigned indiscriminately to either a token-economy schoolroom construction. contingency-contract schoolroom construction. or a control schoolroom construction. A two manner analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) was used to analyse the information. There were some instruments that were non administered in this survey hence bias and mistake was non eliminated. For illustration. there were restrictions to the survey. as stated in the text. there was no control for instructor anticipations and how this would act upon pupil puting their ends. The 2nd restriction was that merely one capable country was used in the survey. The tonss on the steps of this research are both valid and depen dable because the research worker has attended to possible menaces of cogency Evaluation of Data Analysis and Results The consequences from the end analyses indicated important differences within and across schoolroom construction conditions. The consequences of the statistics chosen for the analysis were consistent with the theoretical relationship and the hypothesis. The information from this research is represented in two tabular arraies. The first table reflects information in respects to the acquisition ends and public presentation ends of the three schoolroom constructions. The tabular array disaggregates the information by agencies and standard divergences. The 2nd table gives a sum-up of for schoolroom construction by ends interaction. The consequences from the survey support the thought that a eventuality contract schoolroom construction. in which pupil were evaluated separately and allowed to find their ain accomplishment ends. allow pupils to follow a learning-goal orientation versus a performance-goal orientation ( Creswell. 2012 ) . Evaluation of the Writing The construction of the overall survey was consistent with the subjects addressed in quantitative surveies. That is true because this survey is equal in the research design stage. It gives an extended mentality on the process and consequences obtained during the survey. The survey besides follows the research procedure with an accent on the variables. The variables are labeled in this survey as independent variable ( schoolroom construction ) and the dependant variable ( student accomplishment end orientation ) . The mentions throughout the survey scope from 1984 to 2000 and utilize diaries. newspaper Hagiographas. text editions. psychologist. and educational specializers. This survey was written for the audience that may include but is non limited to pedagogues in the category room and in the administrative staff of a school environment along-side cardinal office staff. members of the school board. parents and pupils. Decision I believe that the writer of T his survey could hold incorporated the influence of the pedagogue in its research. After acknowledging this restriction it changed my ideas about the cogency of the research. Educators are cardinal subscribers to students’ accomplishment and public presentation. It besides would hold been indispensable to this research if among the categories that were chosen the pupils could hold been evaluated in two academic countries. possibly linguistic communication humanistic disciplines and mathematics alternatively of merely mathematics. Mentions Ames. C. . A ; Archer. J. ( 1988 ) . Achievement ends in the schoolroom: Student larning schemesand motive processers. Journal of Educational Psychology. 80. 260-267. Ames. C. ( 1992a ) . Achievement ends and the schoolroom motivational environment. In D. L.Schunk A ; J. L. Meece ( Eds. ) . Student perceptual experiences in the schoolroom ( pp. 327-343 ) .Hillsdale. New jersey: Erlbaum. Creswell. J. W. ( 2012 ) . Educational research: Planning. conducting. and measuring quantitativeand qualitative research. Upper Saddle River. New jersey: Prentice Hall. Greene. B. . A ; Miller. R. ( 1996 ) . Influences on Accomplishment: Goals. perceived ability. andcognitive battle. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 21. 181-192. Schunk. D. H. ( 1996 ) . Goals and self-evaluative influenced during children’s cognitive accomplishmentlarning. American Educational Research Journal. 33. 359-382

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Interview with a Licensed Mental Health Counselor

The female licensed mental health counselor had over 10 years experience assessing the psychological, social, cultural and financial needs that impact recovering drug and alcohol addicts in an addiction program run by an international agency. Previously, the interviewee worked in a health facility that provided mental and psychosocial services to the elderly population.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Interview with a Licensed Mental Health Counselor specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the interview with the licensed mental health counselor, it was clear that that the participant subscribes to a theoretical orientation known as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which essentially attends to dysfunctional emotions, maladaptive behaviors and other impaired cognitive processes exhibited by the population of recovering clients in the program using a multiplicity of goal-oriented, precise and methodical approaches. The favorite part of the job, as proposed by the interviewee, entailed experiencing former drug addicts and alcoholics being reintegrated back into the society after undergoing a three-month program, which assisted them to select and internalize specific strategies that they could always use to deal with their problems. The least favorite part of the job came in dealing with uncontrollable and potentially dangerous clients, who most often are in the last phase of addiction. According to her, this part is discouraging as it is increasingly difficult to make these clients follow the recommended treatment procedures, resulting in use of force in some cases. The interviewee acknowledged that burnout is a normal part of practice and anybody planning to become a licensed mental health counselor should be prepared to face burnout and deal with it in a manner that is less likely to affect his or her health and wellbeing. The interviewee said that she had experienced burnout when listening to intensely heart-wrenching life experiences of drug and alcohol addicts, and when sharing in the grief, loss, and sadness of family members of addicted clients. Additionally, the interviewee suggested that it is important to develop internalized indicators that one could use to recognize burnout and fatigue early on before they became health and professional challenges.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The interviewee coped with the burnout by engaging in things that bring joy and relieve stress (e.g., leisure activities), exploring new hobbies, avoiding taking on extra clients, taking time each day to relax, reading non-professional literature for fun, and receiving counseling in difficult situations. The interviewee took time to describe her transition from a student at the university to professional counseling in a program specifically providing mental, psychological and healthca re services for the elderly. She was surprised by the variances between her expectations as a student and the realities on the ground. According to her, it is difficult to apply most of the theories learned from school in real-life contexts, hence the need for transitioning students to develop a flexible and innovative predisposition to deal with issues beyond the boundaries of the educational institution. Consequently, the advice she provided to new counselors is to maintain an open mind and flexibility and also come up with new approaches to ensure they stay informed on current evidence-based practices in the field of counseling psychology. Overall, this particular interview provided useful insights not only on how to deal with burnout and fatigue in practice settings but also on what attributes to consider and internalize in transitioning from student life to professional counseling. The coping strategies advocated by the interviewee are critical in ensuring that my practice as a licensed mental health counselor will be largely successful in terms of dealing with mental and health challenges related to burnout and fatigue. This essay on Interview with a Licensed Mental Health Counselor was written and submitted by user Aria Richardson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Meanings and Variations of Brother

The Meanings and Variations of Brother The Meanings and Variations of Brother The Meanings and Variations of Brother By Mark Nichol Brother, from the Old English word brothor and cognate with the Latin term frater and the Greek word phrater (both of which mean â€Å"fellow clan member†), means not only â€Å"a male with one or more parents in common† but has also come, by extension, to refer to a man with whom one has a bond or a common interest. It also applies to national or racial commonality, as in the term â€Å"soul brother,† which in American English describes a black male. In addition, it can refer loosely to a male relative or generically to something that is similar to something else. In religious contexts, it denotes a minister or a member of a religious order who has not been ordained. The plural is either brothers or, in formal and religious contexts, the archaic form brethren. The quality of being a brother, literally or figuratively, is brotherhood, and brotherly is the adverbial form. A blood brother is literally a brother by birth or figuratively someone with whom one shares a bond of loyalty; originally, the term alluded to the ceremonial exchange of blood between two men, often by mingling blood at the point of a slight self-inflicted wound. Brother-german is a technical legal term pertaining to the default definition of brother- â€Å"a man or boy who has both of the same parents as a given person,† as opposed to a half brother, who shares only one parent, or a stepbrother, the son of a stepparent. Likewise, a sister-german shares both parents with a given person. (The term german, from the Latin word germanus, means â€Å"having the same parents† and is unrelated to the proper noun referring to a person from Germany.) Brother-in-arms originally strictly referred to a fellow combatant in the same military service, but by extension it alludes to anyone one is closely associated with. (Because women have only recently had a significant role in the military, no equivalent term developed for female soldiers, but the term sisters-in-arms has been employed sporadically, such as in the title of a documentary about female soldiers in combat.) Idiomatic uses of brother include â€Å"brother’s keeper,† a reference to the biblical exchange in which Cain protests, â€Å"Am I my brother’s keeper?† when God asks the whereabouts of Cain’s brother Abel, whom Cain has killed. (The contemporary notion behind the phrase is of interdependent responsibility among people.) Meanwhile, â€Å"Big Brother† is a reference (from George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four) to an all-seeing authoritarian leader or any government entity that practices oppressive surveillance or control. However, â€Å"big brother† also refers generically to one’s older male sibling or to a man who mentors a boy to whom he is not related. Recent idioms include bromance, a portmanteau word from brother and romance, pertaining to depictions in popular culture of close platonic friendships among men, and brogrammer, a mash-up of brother and programmer that alludes to assertive, masculine computer programmers, a divergence from the stereotype of technologically adept but physically and socially awkward males. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†15 Words for Household Rooms, and Their Synonyms5 Tips to Understand Hyphenated Words

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tin Facts (Atomic Number 50 or Sn)

Tin Facts (Atomic Number 50 or Sn) Tin is silver or gray metal with atomic number 50 and element symbol Sn. It is known for its use for early canned goods and in the manufacture of bronze and pewter. Here is a collection of tin element facts. Fast Facts: Tin Element Name: TinElement Symbol: SnAtomic Number: 50Atomic Weight: 118.71Appearance: Silver metal (alpha, ÃŽ ±) or gray metal (beta, ÃŽ ²)Group: Group 14 (Carbon Group)Period: Period 5Electron Configuration: [Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p2Discovery: Known to mankind since around 3500 BCE Tin  Basic Facts Tin has been known since ancient times. The first tin alloy to gain widespread use was bronze, an alloy of tin and copper. Humans knew how to make bronze as early as 3000 BCE. Word Origin: Anglo-Saxon tin, Latin stannum, both names for the element tin. Named after Etruscan god, Tinia; denoted by the Latin symbol for stannum. Isotopes: Many isotopes of tin are known. Ordinary tin is composed of ten stable isotopes. Twenty-nine unstable isotopes have been recognized and 30 metastable isomers exist. Tin has the greatest number of stable isotopes of any element, due to its atomic number, which is a magic number in nuclear physics. Properties: Tin has a melting point of 231.9681 °C, boiling point of 2270 °C, specific gravity (gray) of 5.75 or (white) 7.31, with a valence of 2 or 4. Tin is a malleable silvery-white metal which takes a high polish. It possesses a highly crystalline structure and is moderately ductile. When a bar of tin is bent, the crystals break, producing a characteristic tin cry. Two or three allotropic forms of tin exist. Gray or a tin has a cubic structure. Upon warming, at 13.2 °C gray tin changes to white or b tin, which has a tetragonal structure. This transition from the a to the b form is termed the tin pest. A g form may exist between 161 °C and the melting point. When tin is cooled below 13.2 °C, it slowly changes from the white form to the gray form, although the transition is affected by impurities such as zinc or aluminum and can be prevented if small amounts of bismuth or antimony are present. Tin is resistant to attack by sea, distilled, or soft tap water, but it will c orrode in strong acids, alkalis, and acid salts. The presence of oxygen in a solution accelerates the rate of corrosion. Uses: Tin is used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion. Tin plate over steel is use to make corrosion-resistant cans for food. Some of the important alloys of tin are soft solder, fusible metal, type metal, bronze, pewter, Babbitt metal, bell metal, die casting alloy, White metal, and phosphor bronze. The chloride SnCl ·H2O is used as a reducing agent and as a mordant for printing calico. Tin salts may be sprayed onto glass to produce electrically conductive coatings. Molten tin is used to float molten glass to produce window glass. Crystalline tin-niobium alloys are superconductive at very low temperatures. Sources: The primary source of tin is cassiterite (SnO2). Tin is obtained by reducing its ore with coal in a reverberatory furnace. Toxicity: Elemental tin metal, its salts, and its oxides present low toxicity. Tin-plated steel cans are still widely used for food preservation. Exposure levels of 100 mg/m3 are considered immediately dangerous. Legal permissible exposure from contact or inhalation is typically set around 2 mg/m3 per 8-hour work day. In contrast, organotin compounds are highly toxic, on par with that of cyanide. Organotin compounds are used to stabilize PVC, in organic chemistry, to make lithium ion batteries, and as biocidal agents. Tin  Physical Data Element Classification: MetalDensity (g/cc): 7.31Melting Point (K): 505.1Boiling Point (K): 2543Appearance: silvery-white, soft, malleable, ductile metalAtomic Radius (pm): 162Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 16.3Covalent Radius (pm): 141Ionic Radius: 71 (4e) 93 (2)Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.222Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 7.07Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 296Debye Temperature (K): 170.00Pauling Negativity Number: 1.96First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 708.2Oxidation States: 4, 2Lattice Structure: TetragonalLattice Constant (Ã…): 5.820 Sources Emsley, John (2001). Tin. Natures Building Blocks: An A–Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 445–450. ISBN 0-19-850340-7.Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 0-7506-3365-4.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Financial Folly of MLB Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Financial Folly of MLB - Case Study Example The case has sub - issues within the main case that include the behavior of other teams that participate in the league. The character and trend in behavior of the teams together with their fans is a factor that can make it a topic of consideration or discussion. In such a particular case, strategies that have to be used to solve the problem have to be critically analyzed. The strategy that has been used here is that of taxation, and the owners are planning to switch formulas. The strategy will be done in a way that the largest percentage of money is awarded to the team with the largest revenue unlike where before the largest percentage was given to the team with the lowest revenues. This strategy comes with the opportunity in instilling motivation among the teams but faces the challenge of revenue allocation because determining the percentage for the middle teams will not be easy. In relating to the main issue of performance of the organization, the economic policy might bring about mixed results. At first, due to resistance from other teams and stakeholders, revenues will be low but they are bound to increase with time after a clear understanding of the policy and the teams have been synchronized. As a recommendation, the government should take the initiative and offer more revenues and percentages to the organization that are in the economy. Apart from job security being guaranteed, there is also job satisfaction to both the owners of the Baseball League and the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Health Care Delivery Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Health Care Delivery Model - Essay Example This essay declares that United States of America have numerous key health care models which are based on organization, social life, economy and public health care. Both individuals and the organizations have developed quite a number of perceptions regarding the perspective of issues like health access, the quality itself, availability of health services, and its efficiency too, effectiveness and finally the quality of health services. The health care delivery model is composed of a composition of if various informal systems which are interchangeable separated into various segments and at the same time, not coordinated at all. This model also focuses on the resources of the four components of health care. This paper makes a conclusion that the computerized clinical support systems have generally improved decision making process among physicians and doctors themselves for proper patient care. It also provides physicians with patients’ information and recommendations through analysis of specific patients’information. Therefore characteristic of individuals patients are matched to computerized knowledge base and software algorithms will generate patients’ specific recommendations.These recommendations can be delivered through electronic medical records for retrieval of patient characteristics. The success of implementing electronic decision making technology, however, depends on a greater deal on whether clinicians have a role to play in designing such solutions.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

U.S. Military Women in Vietnam Essay Example for Free

U.S. Military Women in Vietnam Essay United States military women played important roles during the war, in Vietnam. Women served on voluntary terms and proved to aid amid the destruction and death in Vietnam. When Diane Carlson Evans, a former army nurse in Vietnam, first saw the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, she felt something was missing. Her efforts to highlight the service of women in Vietnam were rewarded on November 11, 1993, when the Vietnam Womens Memorial was dedicated. We learn from (Anderson, p. 99) that, â€Å"All women who served in Vietnam were volunteers, whether civilian or military. At one time there was discussion about drafting women nurses, but this was never implemented. Some women military asked to go to Vietnam, and some were sent against their wishes and even against recruiters promises, but all were volunteers because they voluntarily signed up for the military. † The discussion came up about drafting women, during Vietnam but it was decided that women would not be ordered to serve during this war. There was a huge need for nurses and other jobs, in Vietnam, but the draft was never made mandatory. We learn from Joan Arrington Craigwell and Ellen Hoffman Young, (Craigwell, Young, p. 77) that â€Å"Significant numbers of women served admirably in all branches of service as professional nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, air traffic controllers, aerial reconnaissance photographers, intelligence and language specialists, legal officers, and in security and administrative positions. Civilian women also served in Vietnam in the Red Cross, USO, the Central Intelligence Agency and the U. S. Agency for International Development, as well as in other government agencies. Other women worked there as journalists, flight attendants, and in various church and humanitarian organizations. † We also learn that, â€Å"Where are these women today? Could they possibly be your wife, your nurse, co-worker, your supervisor, your physician or your next door neighbor? Could you find them if you looked? These women have camouflaged themselves, an easy task in our society. All they have to do is keep quiet. Women served alongside men in that sink-pit of war. For the country to heal, these women need to reveal the full depth of their experiences, first to themselves and then to the rest of us. Its time for womens experiences and contributions to be recognized and acknowledged as an important part of the history of the Vietnam conflict. †Women have not necessarily been associated with serving in the United States, during Vietnam. When we think about Vietnam, we most likely connect the war with an all male group. Many women served in Vietnam and made huge contributions to this war effort. We learn from the Tod Advisor’s Notebook that, (Women in Vietnam, p. 1) â€Å"In 2002, we think nothing of seeing women soldiers going into combat, or women police officers on our streets. This is a fairly recent development and, even today, these are far from accepted roles for women outside the United States (and Canada). During the time of TOD, 1967-69, womens role in society was very limited. In the military, women were mostly restricted to clerical or medical duties. All women who served in the Armed Forces were either volunteers or obligatories (again, my term), the latter being mostly nurses who had received public funding for their training and were obliged to serve two years in the military in exchange. During the period of the Vietnam War, women did not attend West Point or participate in ROTC programs. Far fewer women served in the military (either in total or as a percentage) than had served in WW II.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Last Of The Mohicans Essay -- essays research papers

The book begins in the middle of the French and Indian War in upper New York State near the Hudson River and Lake Chaplain. General Webb has just gotten word from an Indian that Moncalm and the French are going to attack Fort William Henry and that Colonel Munro will not be ale to keep the fort because he only has one thousand men and that he (Webb) needs to send reinforcements immediately. Upon hearing this, he ordered fifteen hundred men to be ready to march at dawn and has Cora and Alice Munro sent to their father at Fort William Henry accompanied by Major Duncan Heyward on horseback. They went along an Indian path which was to get them to Fort William Henry faster and they were lead by an Indian runner, from the time they left Fort Edward the two sisters were suspicious of their Indian Guide, Le Renard Subtil. A little while into their trip, they meet the singing master David Gamut who asked to accompany them to Fort William Henry. Not to far away in the same forest, were an Indian and a White man talking about their race’s existence in the "New World." The Indian was Chingachgook, the chief of the Mohicans, and the White man, Hawkeye; this was the name given to him by the Indians. They talk for a while and then decide to eat. Uncas kills them something for dinner and shortly after, The Party on it’s way to Fort William Henry runs into them along the path. They stop for a while and talk and then ask for directions to Fort William Henry. Hawkeye is suspicious of their guide and ask to see him to find out if he is an Iroquois, Hawkeye looks and discovers he is. Learning this, Duncan goes to keep their guide there so that Chingachgook and Uncas can do something about him. As Duncan was staling, Chingachgook and Uncas jumped out of the foliage and accidentally chased him away. They chase after him for a while and wound him but in the end, he is to fast for them and they return to Duncan and his party. Feeling that they were still not safe, Hawkeye offers to help them at no cost. They boarded Hawkeye’s canoe and they head for safety. Chingachgook and Uncas offered to lead the horses up stream to where the others were going by canoe. They go to and island at the foot of Glenn’s Falls for safety. Once everyone was one the island torches were lit and they went down into a cavern. At the break of dawn, the Iroquois began their attack. The attack laste... ...uois and when that time came, they went to rescue Cora. They find out that Cora has been hidden in a cave on the side of a mountain so that’s where they go. The Iroquois chief and two of his braves try to fight off Hawkeye, Duncan, and Uncas. The chief uses Cora as a shield. The chief then pulled out a knife and asked Cora if she wanted to die or be his wife. She didn’t answer so he killed her. Uncas froze in horror and the chief took this opportunity and killed him too. The chief then ran up the mountain. Hawkeye stopped and aimed his rifle at the murderer. Having gotten a good deal above Hawkeye and Heyward now the chief pushed a large rock down towards them from above and then attempted to jump to a ledge where he could not be reached. As he jumped, he fell short of his target and just managed to grab hold of a bush growing from the side of the mountain. Seeing this opportunity Hawkeye shot him and the chief fell to his death. There was a lot of mourning over Cor a’s and Uncas’ death and there were funerals for both of them. For many years afterward, Hawkeye and Chingachgook prowled the forest together and never forgot the ties of brotherhood that had taken root on Uncas’ grave.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Avengers Story Map

Story Map Title: The Avengers Author: Joss Whedon Setting: New York City Characters/Actors: – Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man * Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America * Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk * Chris Hemsworth as Thor * Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow * Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye * Tom Hiddleston as Loki * Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson * Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill * Stellan Skarsgard as Dr. Erik Selvig * Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury Problem: An Asgardian, Loki meets the leader of an alien race known as the Chitauri.In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract, a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the other promises Loki a Chitauri army with which he can subjugate the Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency  S. H. I. E. L. D. , and his lieutenant Agent Maria Hill  arrive at a remote research facility during an evacuation, where physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a research team experimenting on the Tesseract. Agent Phil Coulson explains that the object has begun radiating an unusual form of energy. The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a portal, allowing Loki to reach Earth.Loki takes the Tesseract and uses his scepter to enslave Selvig and several agents, including Clint Barton, to aid him in his getaway. Event #1: The  Asgardian Loki  encounters the Other, the leader of an alien race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract,  a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki a Chitauri army with which he can subjugate the Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S. H. I. E. L. D, and his lieutenant Agent Maria Hill  arrive at a remote research facility during an evacuation, where physicist Dr.Erik Selvig is leading a research team experimenting on the Tesseract. Agent  Phil Coulson explains that the object has begun radiating an unusual form of energy. The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a portal, a llowing Loki to reach Earth. Loki takes the Tesseract and uses his scepter to enslave Selvig and several agents, including Clint Barton to aid him in his getaway. Event #2: In response to the attack, Fury reactivates the â€Å"Avengers Initiative†. Agent Natasha Romanoff is sent to Calcutta, India  to recruit  Dr.Bruce Banner; Coulson visits  Tony Stark  to have him review Selvig's research; Fury approaches Steve Rogers  with an assignment to retrieve the Tesseract. While Barton steals  iridium  needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power, Loki causes a distraction in  Stuttgart, Germany leading to a confrontation with Rogers, Stark, and Romanoff that ends with Loki's surrender. While Loki is being escorted to S. H. I. E. L. D. ,  Thor, his adoptive brother, arrives and frees him hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard.After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S. H. I. E. L. D. ‘s flying aircraft car rier, the  Helicarier. There Loki is imprisoned while scientists Banner and Stark attempt to locate the Tesseract. Event #3: The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S. H. I. E. L. D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons as a deterrent  against hostile extra-terrestrials. As the group argues, Barton and Loki's other possessed agents attack the Helicarrier, disabling its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk.Stark and Rogers try to restart the damaged engines, and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk's rampage. Romanoff fights Barton, and knocks him unconscious, breaking Loki's mind control. Loki escapes after killing Coulson and ejecting Thor from the airship, while the Hulk falls to the ground after attacking a S. H. I. E. L. D. fighter jet. Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Stark and Rogers realize that simply defeating them will not be enough for Loki; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth.Loki uses the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Selvig built, to open a portal above  Stark Tower  to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion. Event #4: The Avengers rally in defense of  New York City, but quickly realize they will be overwhelmed as wave after wave of Chitauri descend upon Earth. Rogers, Stark, and Thor evacuate civilians with assistance from Barton, while Banner transforms back into the Hulk and goes after Loki, eventually beating him into submission. Romanoff makes her way to the portal, where Selvig, freed of Loki's control, reveals that Loki's scepter can be used to close the portal.Meanwhile, Fury's superiors attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Manhattan. Stark intercepts the missile and takes it through the portal toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonates, destroying the invaders' lead ship which disables their forces on Earth. Stark's sui t runs out of power and he falls back through the portal, but the Hulk saves him from crashing to the ground. Romanoff deactivates the portal to prevent further invasion. In the aftermath, Thor returns Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard. Fury notes that the Avengers will return when they are needed.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Israeli Wars from 1948 to Present Essay

The 1948 War of Independence, which took place between November 1947 and July 1949, was started by a 6 month civil war between Jewish and Arab militias at the end of the British mandate of Palestine. This turned into a regular war after the declaration of Independence and the intervention of several Arab armies. The five surrounding Arab nations i. e. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon with support from Saudi Arabia launched a coordinated attack on Israel from the land, sea and air. These countries were urged on by their leaders who assured them that they could return after all Jews had been driven out (Eisenberg 147). The Jews were, however, able to defeat Arab armies resulting in an armistice that was signed in 1949 signaling an end to the conflict. The Armistice agreements were signed between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. They established the armistice lines between Israel and the West Bank also known as the Green line. The Sinai War of 29th October 1956 involved a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France and Israel. Israeli troops invaded Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and quickly overcame opposition as they raced for the Suez Canal. Britain and France offered to temporarily occupy the Canal Zone and suggested a 10 mile buffer on either side to separate Egyptian forces from the Israelis. Egyptian President Nasser objected and on 31st October 1956, Egypt was attacked by Britain and France. Consequently, the Soviet Union threatened to attack on Egypt’s behalf but it took the intervention of U. S. President Eisenhower to get them to agree to a ceasefire. The war itself lasted for only a week with invading forces withdrawn within a month. The Six Day War took place in June 1967. It was fought between June 5th and June 10th. The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt as Israel believed that it was only a matter of time before the three Arab states attacked her. After the 1956 crisis, the United Nations (UN) had established a military presence in the Middle East but in 1967, Egypt made it clear that the UN was unwanted in the region. Israel viewed this as a sign that Egypt was preparing to attack and rather than wait to be hit, they launched a hugely successful military campaign against its perceived enemies. Following the war, the territory held by Israel expanded significantly and it now included the West Bank, Sinai, the Golan Heights and Gaza. The War of Attrition was a limited war that was fought between Israel and Egypt from 1967 to 1970. This war was initiated by Egyptians as a way of recapturing the Sinai from the Israelis who had been in control of the territory since the Six Day War. The Egyptian President believed that Israel would be unable to endure the economic burden and casualties of war. To this end, he ordered calibrated attacks on Israel which would not provoke an all out Israeli war response. The hostilities ended when a ceasefire was signed between the countries in 1970 with frontiers remaining in the same place as when the war began. The Yom Kippur War of 1973 is so called as it began on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the holiest day of prayer and fasting in the Jewish calendar. This war is variously referred to as the October War. It started with a surprise Arab attack on Israel knowing that the military would be participating in religious celebrations. Israeli forces were initially overwhelmed but by October 8th, bolstered by reserves, they counter attacked in the Sinai. They managed to push back the Egyptian military. The United Nations organized a ceasefire on October 24th and in September 1975, Egypt and Israel signed an interim agreement. Still, there were no significant territorial changes. The First Lebanon War began on 6th June 1982 when Israeli forces invaded Southern Lebanon. The government launched military operations after an assassination attempt against Israel’s ambassador to the U. K. by a mercenary organization opposed to the PLO. Israel then attacked the PLO as well as Syrian and Muslim Lebanese forces before they occupied Southern Lebanon. The war ended after three years in 1985 when Israel stabilized in the safety strap lengthwise along the border. The Second Lebanon War was sparked when Hezbollah guerillas ambushed an Israeli patrol on the border on July 12 2006. Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared his intention to free the captives and remove Hezbollah from Southern Lebanon forever and thus began an ultimately inconclusive month long war. During the short conflict, Israel lost 119 soldiers and 43 civilians whilst Lebanese civilians bore the brunt of the war with more than 1000 killed. The UN Security Council unanimously approved UN Resolution 1701 on 11th August 2006 to end hostilities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Southwest Airlines Essays - Southwest Airlines, American Brands

Southwest Airlines Essays - Southwest Airlines, American Brands Southwest Airlines Introduction While flying home to Texas last summer with Southwest Airlines, I had the most fun and unique experience with an airline that I could ever remember. It all started out quite oddly enough in the lobby just before takeoff. As I was checking in at the ticket counter, the representative asked me if I wanted to play a game that could get me free round trip tickets. Sure, who wouldn't, I exclaimed. As she gave me my boarding pass she said, Great, how many holes do you have in your socks? Initially caught off guard, I responded, Excuse me! The free tickets are being given to the customer who has the most holes in their socks, she explained with a perky smile. It was just my luck that I was wearing sandals. I told her, Too bad your not checking underwear, because I'm sure I could be in the running for some free tickets with that sort of game. The remainder of the flight was filled with jokes and gags yet quality service from the pilot to the flight attendants. I can remember our flight attendant, dressed in a T-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes along with the rest of the staff, enhanced the safety announcements with the remark: There may be fifty ways to leave your lover, but there are only six ways to leave this aircraft. Having fun is obviously a big part of Southwest Airlines formula to success. It all starts from the top with their childish yet brilliant boss Herb Kelleher. Kelleher, the company's CEO, is the nut behind these shenanigans. This chain-smoking, Wild Turkey-drinking Texas transplant from New Jersey has: Dressed for employee celebrations as Roy Orbison, Elvis, a medieval knight and a teapot; Passed out the peanuts himself on board his orange and brown 737s In front of cheering employees, arm-wrestled another CEO for the right to use the slogan Plane Smart. (He got whipped, but he used the slogan anyway.) This man, once called The High Priest of Ha Ha by Fortune Magazine firmly believes: If you feel real good about coming to work, if you feel real good about what you're doing, if you feel you are doing something for a meaningful cause and you're having fun while you're doing it, then you look forward to coming to work. You don't succumb to stress as easily and you cooperate with other people more quickly and more easily. If you have a sense of humor . . . it tends to not allow you to make mountains out of molehills. 1 Kelleher, known as Herb to the troops and his partners, reinvented air travel twenty-five years ago with its low fares and zany irreverent style. This paper will give a historical overview of the company, discuss the ingredients to the company success, offer some financial strengths and present a final conclusion. Section I: Southwest's History Twenty-seven years ago, Rollin King, a San Antonio entrepreneur who owned a small commuter air service, and Kelleher, who was a lawyer at the time, got together and decided to start a different kind of airline. They began with one simple notion. If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares, and make certain they have a good time doing it, people will fly your airline. And you know what? They were right. Within those 27 years, Southwest Airlines became the fifth largest major airline in America. Today, they have flown over 50 million passengers a year to 54 cities all over the southwest and beyond. They do it over 2,300 times a day with over 267 of the newest jets in the nation and fly only one type aircraft; the B-737. The average age of their fleet is only 8.4 years and they own over sixty percent of them. In May 1988, they were the first airline to win the coveted U.S. Department of Transportation Triple Crown for a month - Best On-time Record, Best Baggage Handling, and Fewest Customer Complaints. Since then, they've won it thirty-one times, as well as five annual Triple Crowns for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996. They have been an airline whose has led to the advancement of the commercial airline industry. They were the first

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Acceptance of Differences

It is clear that America would like all of its citizens and residents to learn to accept differences between people.   As an example, the philosophy of teaching students with disabilities has been changing.   Separated from regular students at first, they must now be moved into classrooms with the rest.   In these classrooms, regular students learn to respect those who are different from themselves and students with disabilities improve their social skills (Ripley, 1997). At the same time, business organizations of America are required to learn diversity management.   At the governmental level, we now have the first black president in the White House.   However, as soon as President Barack Obama stepped into the White House he had to state that America is not an enemy of Muslims. Seeing that there was a need for the American president to make that statement reveals that our nation still needs to accept differences between people based on religion.    To support AmericaAmericans in accepting these differences, the government is required to change its political framing with regard to the Muslim world.   It is a known fact that political framing reflects through the media.   The government should work with the media to further resolve the misunderstandings between America and Muslims.   Americans are, after all, tired of wars. Response to Classmate’s Post: Your responses are all positive, and I agree that it is essential to applaud our nation for the leaps it has taken forward to end racism.   All the same, you have failed to answer the Muslim question that President Obama addressed during his first month in office.   I appreciated that you mentioned the role of media in ending stereotyping and supporting people in the acceptance of difference.   Yet, I cannot deny the fact that our nation needs to take greater leaps forward not only to become fully accepting of differences between people but also to become a model for other societies working on eradicating problems related to racism. References Ripley, S. (1997, Jul). Collaboration between General and Special Education Teachers. ERIC Digest.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Individual Behavior and Communication Paper Essay

Individual Behavior and Communication Paper - Essay Example The behavioral culture of any organization is fashioned in large part by the commonality of the separate individuality of each separate employee as well as each division. Organizational behavior engage the study of how these employees operate and perform, concentrating on practices that can create a distinction in the way employees adjust to and execute their mission. Organizational behavior changes the focus of management towards job satisfaction and involvement, commitment to the organization, and actual task performance measures. Ethics is an important element as it is vital for organizations to exhibit a commitment to instilling ethical behavior. Ethical behavior in the arena of decision-making can be complex, and so it is important that a code of ethics be strictly defined, as well as the establishment of a fair disciplinary system for those who violate the ethical standards. It is just as vital that leadership also develop a procedure to reward employees when they have been recognized for exhibiting positive ethical behaviors. It is also essential that employees be involved in the process of identifying ethical issues and creating a means of ad dressing them when they are both violated and followed. In the arena of ethical decision making, the criteria used to classify the values that motivate the concept of ethics must also be considered. Moral behavior is involved in choosing problems as well as choosing who should be involved, approximating the impact of substitution. It is paramount that everyone in the organization understands that ethical conduct does not arrive as a result of being revealed as a violator of the already-in-place code. Organizational culture is made up of the values and beliefs that manipulate and persuade employee behavior. Diversity is the individual disparities that exist within members of an organization and is most readily based on external factor such as gender,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Net-centric Computing and Information Systems Research Paper

Net-centric Computing and Information Systems - Research Paper Example Control is conceded from one layer to the next, starting at the application layer in one station, and proceeding to the foot layer, over the channel to the next station and back up the pecking order. This layer gives switching & routing technologies, generating logical paths, termed as virtual circuits, for sending data from node to node. Routing and forwarding are the functions, as well as internetworking, addressing, error handling, packet sequencing and congestion control. The tutorials showcase the opinions and perspectives of experts that would cater your in-depth understanding of the topics which you would find of absolute importance when you design or analyze a system or structure of your own. An outsized computer network may seem just hassles of hardware; but actually it is also a multifaceted structure of rules, technically called as protocols which are executed and imposed by network operating systems. Before beginning our talk on Network Layers, it is a prerequisite to bri ef on the- seven layers Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) of Computer Networking. At the International Organization for Standardization, the communication systems were subdivided into smaller sections called layers. A layer provides services to its upper layer while getting services from the layer below.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Perfect eProduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Perfect eProduct - Essay Example However, it is without question that with this drastic increase in available technology, the price of these devices have risen precipitously. Along with this price increase, so too as the consumption habits that the consumers display. Rather than changing a mobile device several times throughout the year, individuals are now encouraged, by simple force of economics, to retain their device longer, protect it, and seek to repair it in the off chance that it is somehow damaged. It is further estimated by experts that the industry responsible for the repair of mobile devices engenders an economy that is worth tens of millions of dollars annually. Whereas the repair of current mobile devices takes many shapes and forms, the most common repair that is engaged is repair of chipped, broken, or cracked glass screens. Whereas formerly mobile devices were put together with plastic LCD panels, the trend towards touch-screen devices has meant that more and more of these devices are now made with glass. As such, the product which will be promoted within this analysis for sale within the online market, will provide the consumer with an alternative to the exhorbitantly expensive screen replacements that can cost as much as 30% of the original phone’s cost. As such, the product which will herein be discussed and analyzed is a glass gel that has already been used in the automotive industry for decades which helps to seal and repair cracks, chips, or other imperfections on a glass surface. As such, the following section will engage the reader with a discussion and analysis of some of the key benefits that this particular product has to offer with regards to consumer utility and the ability of being sold online. The first of these is with regards the ultimate lightweight nature of the product itself. Comprising less than one fluid ounce, this particular product easily the ships; with little to no cost to the end consumer. Furthermore, it should also be understood that this particular product offers a tangential benefit of being a low-cost alternative the increasingly pricey cost of mobile phone screen repair; which was noted previously within this brief analysis (Wolf, 2012). As such, the gamble the individual consumer with regards to integrating person is your products are less than it would be if the product or service was closer in price to the alternative that face. A tertiary benefit is with regards to the fact that the existing supply of this glass gelling compound can easily be purchased in a litany of auto repair supply centers and repackaged at a significant markup (Moran, 2013). Fourthly, the high profit margin that could be denoted from this particular approach is clear and evident. Finally, it must be understood that there is ultimately no cost of research and development regards as the innovations are in place and the product provider is merely repackaging and reselling this product to the consumer for use in a different application that it was originally intended. Accordingly, the utility that can be gained from all of this, for the producer/seller, is that all of these facts help to directly translate to an increased level of money that can be saved on research and development, shipping costs, purchase of raw material in bulk, simplicity of product marketing, and a great many other

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Examining The Network Simulations Of NS2 Information Technology Essay

Examining The Network Simulations Of NS2 Information Technology Essay NS2 is a Linux based tool to perform network simulations. NS2 is based on C++ and TCL programming Languages. TCL uses simple commands to define network configuration and C++ allows users to adjust protocol functionalities in detail and also to define new protocols. Our Project involves simulation of VoIP over two transport layer protocols UDP and SCTP. Installation of NS2: Installation of NS2 involves many steps. These Steps are: Checking for pre-requisites: Please make sure that you have installed the fedora 12 O.S with all packages and you are logged in as administrator. Downloading latest version of NS2: We first Downloaded NS2 v. 2.34 from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nsnam/files/allinone/ns-allinone-2.34/ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz/download Extracting the NS2 package: Extract the contents of .tar file in a directory and go into that directory. The following snapshot shows the extracted file against .tar file. Patching of SCTP module: Initially NS2 does not provide support to SCTP, so we have to download apply its patch before installation of NS2. The patch can be downloaded from http://pel.cis.udel.edu Now untar the patch in a directory and type the given command in terminal: patch -p0 Now we are ready to install NS2 with SCTP module. Installation of NS2 : We can either install NS2 by typing commands in the terminal. Or we can do this by simply double clicking the install file. The snapshot below shows the later. Now the installation has started. It would take some time to complete it. Configuring the installation path of NS2: The terminal will get get closed after installation of NS2. Now open terminal again and type: gedit ~/.bashrc to configure the path file Now edit this file as in the figure: Now save and close bash file and type following command in the terminal to tell your O.S about the path of NS2: source ~/.bashrc Confirming the installation of NS2: To confirm that NS2 is correctly installed, type ns in the terminal. The outlook of the terminal will be changed in this way: (Else it would print some filter of error in the terminal.) To revert to the normal mode type exit in the terminal. Running a simple code on NS2: NS2 executes .tcl file format. If you have followed all the previous steps, then you can execute a .tcl file by typing the following syntax in the terminal: ns [file name].tcl But make sure you are the directory where the .tcl file is present. e.g: Here we have a sample code script.tcl. In this code we are simulating a simple topology of two wired nodes. On typing ns script.tcl in the terminal, we get the following output: Handling the output trace file: On execution of .tcl code, two output files are generated. One is the .nam file with which we see the graphical simulation of our code. The other one is the .tr trace file, with which we can analyze the output of our simulation. The trace file looks like: It contains various parameters such as arrival time of packets, packet size transport agent etc. Using the trace file, we can get the graphical outputs to analyze the behavior of our simulation. To do this we need a graph drawing software such as xgraph or gnuplot. Here we are using gnuplot. But to draw a graph, we need to filter the trace file and get the coordinates out of which we can draw a graph. To filter a trace file, we write an awk script. Since we have to draw graphs for latency and throughput, therefore we will write one script for each type of graph. The awk script for latency is: #latency BEGIN { time1 = 0.0; time2 = 0.0; } { time2 = $2; if ($1==r) { printf(%f %fn, time1, time2) > latency; time1 += $2; } } END { print(Done); } And awk script for throughput is: #throughput BEGIN { node =1; time1 = 0.0; time2 = 0.0; num_packet=0; bytes_counter=0; } { time2 = $2; if (time2 time1 > 0.05) { thru = bytes_counter / (time2-time1); thru /= 1000000; printf(%f %fn, time2, thru) > throughput; time1 = $2; } if ($1==r) { bytes_counter += $6; num_packet++; } } END { print(Done); } Now type the following command in the terminal to filter the trace file: gawk file=[awk file name].awk [trace file name].tr The filtered file would be like this: Now weve to give a plot for which our graph is to be ploted. (i.e: weve to tell about the x and y coordinates) So we create a simple file in which we tell about these parameters. set title VoIP over UDP Latency! set grid set ylabel s set xlabel time plot latency w linespoints title voip throughput Now type gnuplot in the terminal to enter into gnuplot mode. Here type the command: load [x-y parameters file] (inner double quotes inclusive) And type exit to exit gnuplot Formation of VOIP Traffic over the Network: VoIP (Voice over IP) is simply the transmission of voice traffic over IP-based networks. The Internet Protocol (IP) was originally designed for data networking.   It is also referred to as IP  Telephony  or Internet Telephony. Simulating VOIP in NS2: VoIP is basically just UDP packets encapsulating RTP packets with the voice data inside, all you should need to do to simulate a VoIP stream is set the correct packet size and frequency that the packets are sent out and that would simulate a stream. In NS2 we will implement VOIP over UDP and SCTP protocols. We will implement VOIP using a simple two-node topology. For this we will do the following steps: create two .tcl files simulate VOIP traffic handle the trace files to draw graphs for latency and throughput for evaluation between the two protocols Simulation of VoIP over the network using UDP: Creating the tcl file:- First create a tcl file for Voip simulation over UDP protocol. Given below is the source code for our file voip_udp.tcl # start new simulation set ns [new Simulator] # setup tracing/nam set tr [open voip.tr w] set nf [open voip.nam w] $ns trace-all $tr $ns namtrace-all $nf # finish function, close all trace files and open up nam proc finish {} { global ns nf tr $ns flush-trace close $nf close $tr exec nam voip.nam exit 0 } ### creating nodes set node0 [$ns node] $node0 label Voice 1 $node0 color red set node1 [$ns node] $node1 label Voice 2 $node1 color blue # creating duplex-link $ns duplex-link $node0 $node1 256Kb 50ms DropTail $ns duplex-link-op $node0 $node1 orient right # setup colors $ns color 1 Yellow $ns color 2 Green ## 2-way VoIP connection #Create a UDP agent and attach it to node0 set udp0 [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $node0 $udp0 # set udp0 flowid to 1 $udp0 set fid_ 1 # Create a CBR traffic source and attach it to udp0 set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr0 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr0 set interval_ 0.020 # set traffic class to 1 $cbr0 set class_ 1 $cbr0 attach-agent $udp0 # Create a Null sink to receive UDP set sinknode1 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $node1 $sinknode1 # Connect the UDP traffic source to Null sink $ns connect $udp0 $sinknode1 set udp1 [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $node1 $udp1 $udp1 set fid_ 2 set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr1 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr1 set interval_ 0.020 $cbr1 set class_ 2 $cbr1 attach-agent $udp1 set sinknode0 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $node0 $sinknode0 $ns connect $udp1 $sinknode0 # end of voice simulation setup # start up traffic $ns at 0.1 $cbr0 start $ns at 0.1 $cbr1 start $ns at 10.0 $cbr0 stop $ns at 10.0 $cbr1 stop $ns at 10.5 finish # run the simulation $ns run Simulate VOIP traffic: Now type the following command in the terminal to view simulation of VOIP over UDP: ns voip_udp.tcl The output is: Performance of SCTP: Now we draw the graphs with gnuplot using above mentioned steps. The performance is evaluated on the basis of latency, throughput and capacity. The capacity can be evaluated with the help of latency and throughput. Latency: Throughput: Simulation of VoIP over the network using SCTP: Creating the tcl file:- First create a tcl file for Voip simulation over UDP protocol. Given below is the source code for our file voip_sctp.tcl # start new simulation set ns [new Simulator] # setup tracing/nam set tr [open voip.tr w] set nf [open voip.nam w] $ns trace-all $tr $ns namtrace-all $nf # finish function, close all trace files and open up nam proc finish {} { global ns nf tr $ns flush-trace close $nf close $tr exec nam voip.nam exit 0 } ### creating nodes set n0 [$ns node] $n0 label Voice 1 $n0 color red set n1 [$ns node] $n1 label Voice 2 $n1 color blue # creating duplex-link $ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 256Kb 50ms DropTail $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 orient right # setup colors $ns color 1 Yellow $ns color 2 Green ## 2-way VoIP connection #Create a UDP agent and attach it to n0 set sctp0 [new Agent/SCTP] $ns attach-agent $n0 $sctp0 $sctp0 set fid_ 1 set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr0 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr0 set interval_ 0.020 # set traffic class to 1 $cbr0 set class_ 1 $cbr0 attach-agent $sctp0 # Create a Null sink to receive Data set sinknode1 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $n1 $sinknode1 set sctp1 [new Agent/SCTP] $ns attach-agent $n1 $sctp1 $sctp1 set fid_ 2 set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr1 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr1 set interval_ 0.020 $cbr1 set class_ 2 $cbr1 attach-agent $sctp1 set sinknode0 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $n0 $sinknode0 $ns connect $sctp0 $sctp1 $ns at 0.1 $cbr0 start $ns at 0.1 $cbr1 start # stop up traffic $ns at 10.0 $cbr0 stop $ns at 10.0 $cbr1 stop # finish simulation $ns at 10.5 finish # run the simulation $ns run Simulate VOIP traffic: Now type the following command in the terminal to view simulation of VOIP over UDP: ns voip_sctp.tcl The output is: Performance of SCTP: Now we draw the graphs with gnuplot using above mentioned steps. The performance is evaluated on the basis of latency, throughput and capacity. The capacity can be evaluated with the help of latency and throughput. Latency: Throughput: Difference between SCTP and UDP: SCTP: SCTP Stands for Stream Control Transmission Protocol. It is a Transport Layer protocol. It is a connection-oriented protocol similar to TCP, but provides facilities such as multi-streaming and multi-homing for better performance and redundancy. It is used in Unix-like operating systems. UDP: UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. It is a minimal message-oriented transport layer protocol. It enables two hosts to connect and send short messages to one another. Unlike Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), it does not guarantee that data is received or that it is received in the order in which it was sent. Comparison between SCTP and UDP: Message Orientation: In SCTP, message boundaries are preserved. If an application sends a 100-byte message, the peer application will receive all 100 bytes in a single read: no more, no less. UDP provides a message-oriented service, but without SCTPs reliability. Un-Ordered Service: In addition to ordered message service (and parallel ordered service discussed above), SCTP offers the reliable delivery of messages with no order constraints. UDP provides unordered service, but again without SCTPs reliability. Unordered reliable delivery will be useful for many applications, in particular disk over LAN services (iSCSI, RDMA, etc.) where the application already provides ordering. Stronger checksum: SCTP uses a 32-bit end-to-end checksum proven to be mathematically stronger than the 16-bit ones-complement sum used by UDP. SCTPs better checksum provides stronger verification that a message passes end-to-end without bit errors going undetected. These were some of the differences between SCTP and UDP. A tabulated contrast between the two protocols is given below: Services/Features SCTP UDP Connection-oriented yes no Full duplex yes yes Reliable data transfer yes no Partial-reliable data transfer optional no Ordered data delivery yes no Unordered data delivery yes yes Flow control yes no Congestion control yes no ECN capable yes no Selective ACKs yes no Preservation of message boundaries yes yes Path MTU discovery yes no Application PDU fragmentation yes no Application PDU bundling yes no Multistreaming yes no Multihoming yes no Protection against SYN flooding attacks yes n/a Allows half-closed connections no n/a Reachability check yes no Psuedo-header for checksum no (uses vtags) yes Time wait state for vtags n/a SCTP vs. UDP Latency: From the graphs of latency we conclude that latency is slightly higher in UDP. In real practice, latency in UDP is much higher than in SCTP. Practically, the latency in UDP is about 15% more than SCTP. Throughput: From the graphs of throughput we see that UDP shows a constant but less throughput while SCTP shows continuous fluctuations in its graph. But overall SCTP has a higher throughput than UDP. In real practice, throughput in SCTP is about 15% more than in UDP. Capacity: By observing the graphs of throughput, we conclude the SCTP can support more capacity than UDP. UDP will loose its performance at higher data rates. Conclusion: From the above statistics, we conclude that SCTP is better than UDP in terms of latency, throughput and capacity. Therefore there is no doubt in the fact that that SCTP is going to be the future of VOIP and many other network technologies. But since this technology is under the process of evolution so it may take some time for it to replace the older technologies like UDP and TCP etc. Refrences: http://yonghoon.livejournal.com/4799.html http://www.isoc.org/briefings/017/index.shtml http://www.google.com/dictionary?source=dict-chrome-exsl=entl=enq=sctp http://www.google.com/dictionary?langpair=en|enq=udphl=enaq=f http://mailman.isi.edu/pipermail/ns-users/2006-August/056723.html http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=bF3L7g1u_mQCpg=PA189lpg=PA189dq=udp+vs+sctp+latency+throughputsource=blots=zdb5JeCsMfsig=PPt8c4nvtcrIJcXr5eKBIe_GbkQhl=enei=XhIgTYCeLs-z8QO8_KS8BQsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=2ved=0CB4Q6AEwAQ#v=onepageqf=true

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mortuary Practices and Afterlife of the Choctaw Essays -- Sociology, T

The Choctaws thrived in the fertile sandy, red-clay soil, rolling hills, and dense forests, located in the Central Hills of the east-central region of Mississippi. The estimated population after early European contact was between 15,000 and 20,000 and was the second largest group of Native Americans in the Southeast (Blitz 1988:127). The Choctaws in the Southeast were a matrilineal society. Traditionally, women preformed tasks related to domestic life. Among these responsibilities were creating pottery and utensils, food preparation, and planting and harvesting crops. The majority of their diet consisted of agricultural products such as corn, pumpkins, squash, and beans. Women would also accompany men on hunting excursions in order to provide food preparation. After the hunt, women were responsible for transporting the slain animal back to the village for processing of skins, bone, and meat (Carson 1995:495-6). The greatest responsibilities of the Choctaw men were hunting and warfare. During the fall and winter months, their primary food source was deer. Their accomplishments on hunting adventures directly reflected upon their social status and importance within the tribe (Carson 1995:197). Although the Choctaw shared much of their culture with many of the other tribes in the Southeast, â€Å"in the disposition of their dead, the ancient Choctaws practiced a strange method different from any other Nation of people, perhaps, that ever existed† (Swanton1931:176). When a Choctaw tribal member became terminally ill, it was common practice for the medicine man to inform the family of impending death (Swanton 1931:170). The women cleansed the body, applied paint, daubed the face, and dressed him in his finest clothes. He was the... ...ld winds always blew. Every spirit encountered was an enemy with no safe place to take refuge. Food was scarce, due to unfertile soil, lack of game, and hunger was constant. The bad hunting grounds are perpetually lonely, with only the joyous sounds from the other side of the mountains. The doomed spirits constantly struggled to climb the treacherous mountains, but to no avail. They were eternally destined to an afterlife of desolation (Campbell 1959:149-52). The Choctaws possessed unique ceremonies in regards to their deceased as well as a vivid explanation into their afterlife. Through many accounts, the knowledge and customs of the Southeast tribe of the Choctaw will not be forgotten. Although these customs may not be practiced, the extensive documentation gives an extraordinary glimpse into the lives of the natives of the southeast United States.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

School administrators Essay

Education plays an important role in the life of almost all individual because this is the means by which they can gain knowledge and reach their full potential. In line with this, educational institutions give due importance to their curriculum in order to make sure that they are covering all the subjects and lessons that will help their students to develop their skills and talents. In line with this, almost all educational institutions include the arts as an important part of their curriculum because of the essential skills, talents, and values that students can develop from this area of education. Dance class is one of the major parts of the arts area of education that allow students to learn body coordination, music appreciation, and also a better understanding of various cultures through the different dance genres that are being taught. However, there are problems within educational institutions that resulted for most school administrators to cut-back or even completely eliminate dance classes and other art programs. Public schools usually have the most problems when it comes to maintaining dance classes because of the lack of school budget, facilities, and other needed materials to maintain dance classes. In relation to this, public school administrators also have to deal with the limited number of educators or teachers that will instruct students about the different genres of dance. Due to the challenges that public schools have to deal with, there is a continuous debate on whether dance classes should still be included in the educational curriculum. The on-going debate about the importance and need of dance classes in education is an important topic of study because it deals with the holistic learning and development of students. A comprehensive study should be made in order to identify whether there is really a need for dance classes to be included in the curriculum of most schools or having dance classes only give unnecessary cost and further contribute to the problems of public schools. In line with this, the research study that will be conducted gives primary focus on identifying whether there is really a need for dance class in education or not. In doing so, the corresponding pros and cons about dance class in education will be given due attention and importance. Identifying the positive and negative implications about dance class in education will substantially help the stakeholders in the issue. Stakeholders will be able to properly assess whether there is really a need for dance classes to be included in the educational curriculum or not. Studying the need for dance class in education is essential because the holistic development and well-being of students are at stake in this issue. Statement of the Problem The study aims to assess on whether there is a need for dance class in education, particularly in the secondary level of education. Specifically the study intends to: †¢ Describe the commonly used educational curriculum in the secondary academic level with emphasis on arts programs, specifically dance classes. †¢ Identify the positive effects of dance classes in education, especially when it comes to the development of students and their performance at school. †¢ Identify the negative effects of dance classes in education, especially when it comes to the development of students and their performance at school. †¢ Assess the effects of dance class to students and the need on whether to include it in the educational curriculum. Justifications for the Chosen References The articles that are included in the literature review section of this paper are chosen by the researcher because these articles exemplify the corresponding implications of having dance classes in educational institutions. Most the articles that were discussed in the literature review of the paper are studies that are previously made by different researchers about dance classes in education. In line with this, there are also case studies that are part of the literature review of the study that talks about the actual situation and experiences of students in specific schools about dance classes as part of their educational curriculum. Moreover, the researchers and writers that are responsible in creating the articles that are part of the literature review of the study are respectable individuals that actually have the necessary knowledge and expertise about dance and education. Relevance of the Articles to the Research Topic The article which had been chosen for this research are all important aspects pointed out towards the connection of dance with academic and personal life of each student. The chosen articles are a representation of different sides of research which discusses the importance of dance in the life of the youth. The articles contain the positive perspectives with dance and the values which are gained throughout such activity. The values that are highlighted are not only applicable for academics but also within the personal life of each student. More so, the articles will largely support the positive effects of dancing towards the youth. On the other hand, the articles utilized were providing various kinds of perspectives from different authors which are already experienced regarding such matters. Furthermore, the discussions of the authors are true to what is seen within schools. Most of the articles present are explaining the importance of dance in the lives of each student that will lead to their growth. More so, the articles are significant to the development of the literature review as well as the other parts of the paper such that of the analysis and findings and conclusion. The articles have specific concepts and theoretical perspectives that are very efficient in attaining the proper analysis. Also, the authors that are chosen for the whole paper are well versed in the topic they have written. In the light of this, the articles shall create a path towards a clear understanding regarding the concept of dance in relation to academic perspective. Therefore, there is a need to utilize different types of materials which had created earlier studies regarding dance schools in the secondary level. Through the use of different articles, this would shed light to the aim of proving that dance lessons are needed by students in the secondary level. Literature Review Article Title: Dance Education Research: What Train Are We On? Karen Kohn Bradley, a dance educator, conducted a study regarding the role of dance classes in the educational reforms of public schools in the United States. Bradley admitted that as a dance instructor she is aware that learning through movement like dance is a powerful agent that substantially helps in the enhancement of the cognitive skills of students. In the same manner, she also pointed out that dance classes teach students the valuable lessons, especially in terms of discipline. The two aforementioned approaches of dance education often create tension, which is not realized by educators in public schools that teaches dance classes. However, the present condition of public schools requires accountability and educational reform in order to properly address the root causes of current problems. In line with this, the relevance of dance in American public schools during the time of educational reform is given more emphasis (Bradley, 2001). Bradley pointed out in her study that dance programs and classes are among the most under-represented and marginalized, and misunderstood field of education. The important role of dance classes in public schools are often taken for granted, which is why there is a big possibility that it would not achieve due recognition in the reforms that are happening in American public schools. Bradley proposed that dance educators and other stakeholders in the field of dance education should start giving more value to themselves but further mastering in their craft. Furthermore she also pointed out that dance educators and stakeholders should not give up their fight in the inclusion of dance classes in public schools, especially since they are very much aware of the benefits that it can provide to their students (Bradley, 2001). Article Title: Nurturing Excellence through the Arts In the written work of Vanessa Camilleri and Anthony D. Jackson with the title â€Å"Nurturing Excellence through the Arts† stated that it is important that art classes must be taken by different students for it is will provide a very positive effect for the students. In ATA or the Arts and Technology Academy, the students are required to have extracurricular activities in three times a week in the whole school year. Moreover, there is direct participation of various professors and parents in developing a certain program that would enhance the ability of the students in the arts. The authors were able to mention that the arts program is not only limited to dancing but to the wider variety of performing arts. The school was able to create a program where in art shall be a source of education for the students. In the light of this, it is presented that the school wanted to integrate learning from a philosophical perspective of arts. More so, it is dancing which will bring a higher development for students not only in terms of academic level but also for their personal development. In the philosophy of the school, the lessons bring the students bring artistic content and develop the emotional and social skills of children. It is mentioned that in reality, it is the computing and interpersonal skills that must be developed in order to adapt in the modern world. Therefore through the activities in the performing arts, students shall be much more able to comply to the fast paced world with fewer complications. Definitely, the techniques of teaching the children utilized in ATA is highly focused on the arts as its association the development and nourishment of students in their future lives (Camelleri & Jackson, 2005). Article Title: Performance and Motivation in Dance Education In the written work of Elizabeth Lazaraoff, it is evident that there is the need to incorporate dancing as one of the main subjects in public schools for it is one of the most effective motivational practices available in teaching. For most students get bored in schools due to their uninterested attitudes, it is dancing or the whole perspective of performing arts must be associated with the development of students and the curriculum in public schools. For most schools are focused in science and math, a new concept that is much relatable for children in the elementary level shall help motivate students in being active in school. Furthermore, the author suggests that the performing arts must be associated not only in the curriculum but also in the teaching techniques of teachers. Article Title: Gliding Glissade Not Grand Jete Elementary Classroom Teachers Teaching Dance This article presents that there is a need to create a program of dancing in the elementary level. Such levels are very fun loving and playful hence, they are needed to be stimulated through performing arts in order for them to be much motivated. However, the article created by Anne Dunkin states that the elementary level is very good in absorbing and appreciating such type of concepts. On the other hand, other levels such as the secondary and university level are less appreciative in such kind of teaching. More so, the US Department of Education pointed in their 2002 report that most secondary and elementary schools are not practicing art education. There are only one fifth of schools in the United States offer the instructions in dancing. Hence, not all students have the opportunity dancing and performing arts as a whole. Therefore, Dunkin wanted to attain a level of awareness that there is a need to incorporate dancing in the curriculum of each school in the United States. Although the goals might not be possible in the next five years of the thought of such association of dance to schools are also not impossible. The author suggests that there must be a full regarding with such type of issue. There must be a high association that would pursue the interests of students in their artistic side. With such type of organization, the possibility of attaining an artistic curriculum shall be created (Dunkin, 2004). Article Title: Dance Education in Elementary Schools Based on the research study regarding the status of K-12 dance education, two levels of implications have been observable about dance education: the first one of the practical effect while the other one involves the clarification of visions. The practical implication emphasized the need to include new requirements about dance classes with corresponding guidance and resources in order for students to effectively learn in their dance lessons. However, there is a huge gap between the requirements and the reality because extensive teacher training and the need for provision materials should be given attention, since these are the main problems that affect dance classes and programs. Moreover, teachers should not be merely regarded as technical support because it is pivotal that they are included in the decision-making process when it comes to educating students (Bresler, 1992). Article Title: K-12 Dance Education: Four Model Programs The article written by Bresler discussed dance education in elementary schools by means of narrating and assessing a particular research study about the status of dance education in elementary schools. The status of dance education was studied by means using four perspectives, namely: â€Å"musician Liora Bresler, an outsider, looks at dance programs in Illinois elementary schools† (Knowles et al. , 1992, n. p. ). In line with this, other reputable personalities also participated in the study of Bresler, such as: Susan Stinson, who represented the perspective of high school students about the value of dance; Patricia Knowles and Rona Sande presented a model dance programs in four different parts of the United States; and Peggy Schwartz is the one responsible in the creation, development and even demise of the dance certification for educators in the state of Massachusetts. The efforts made by the different important people in the study contributed in gathering the necessary data about the national trends in teacher education, requirements for certification, and the application of programs (Knowles et al. , 1992). Article Title: Dance Education in American Public Schools: Case Studies The report of Knowles and Sande are consists of four case studies that represent the results of a national survey that was conducted by the National Arts Education Research Center. The main purpose of the research is to identify and choose model schools that already have curriculum-based K-12 dance education programs. The schools that were part of the research study were: â€Å"Fillmore Arts Center (Washington, D. C. ). Buffalo Academy for the Visual and Performing Arts (Buffalo, New York, Duxberry Park Arts IMPACT School (Columbus, Ohio), and Jefferson High School for the Performing Arts (Portland, Oregon). The important areas of discussion that were included in each case study are: the educators/faculty, curriculum, program objectives, facilities, and equipment. The results of the study showed that the school that were observed have several similar characteristics, namely: â€Å"strong parental and community support; mutual respect among dance faculty and a unified program philosophy; frequent communication and a positive working atmosphere; a belief in integration within content areas and in interdisciplinary work; a curriculum that excites students; and administrative confidence and support† (Knowles and Sande, 1991, n. p. ). Article Title: Revitalizing Pennsylvania through Creativity: Dance Education Giguere, a Pennsylvanian herself, wrote an article that talks about the way by which their place was able to address difficulties through the help of dance education. The author pointed out the bleak future of Pennsylvania due to the economic hardships that it is experiencing. In addition, Pennsylvania also has to deal with other problems such as: slow population growth, aging work force, and the increasing presence of suburban slumps. The aforementioned untoward situation of Pennsylvania is greatly contributing to the â€Å"brain drain† of its highly-educated and competent workers. Giguere was able to found out in her research that the reasons for the flight of most young professionals are due to the lack of arts and culture in local Pennsylvania communities. In line with this, Giguere emphasized that Pennsylvania can actually make its situation better by means of improving its arts and culture by establishing and improving dance classes. The author strongly believes that the strength of Pennsylvania is not found in technology but rather in enriching its arts and culture. (Giguere, 2005). Analysis All the articles have each own relevance in terms of providing information that would help people in attaining the importance of education and dance. Some articles provide different kinds of perspectives in the current development of the association of dance and education. There are articles where in the authors provide the significance and reasons for the need of dance and performing arts in education. Most of the authors mention that dance in the academic setting motivates the students in going to school and it further helps students in attaining a much balanced lifestyle. In addition to this, the authors chosen for this study strongly believes in the concept of dance as the major influence for students in building their social, emotional and personal progress as a individual in the society. The performing arts is not simply a hobby for students but a much enjoyable training ground for students as a preparation for their future in the modern world. Due to the points mentioned by the authors utilized in this study, the researcher chose to view the question of: â€Å"Is there a need for dance education in the secondary level of education. † This research question shall be the main query that will be utilized in the different sections of the study. Therefore, this question shall be provided with accurate data in order to attain the proper response. Conclusion In conclusion, education is the most important aspect in the lives of different individuals for it provides development. More so, education must also develop in association to the development of the modern life. In the current era, people are highly associating themselves with culture and the arts. Therefore, there is a new perspective which is evidently seen in the boom of artistic interests of the current age. Hence, in order to nurture such type of the perspective, there are authors to which believe in the concept of associating education and dancing to comply with the current era. In the section of the literature review, it is clear that most authors see that the association of dance and education is a positive and possible development in the United States. Furthermore, the authors see that such belief is effective for the students due to the variety of values and skills they are able to attain. Moreover, students have a much developed interpersonal skills that are highly important in the work place. In addition to this, the students become confident of what they have for they have developed a unique skill. Therefore, the authors encourage that dancing and the whole selection of performing arts should be associated in the curriculum and also within the teaching technique of teachers. In relation to this, students become more appreciative of the arts most especially with their social and emotional feelings. Due to the fast life and societal norms present in the society. Most students only become nurtured through their science and math skills but in reality, students must be able to link their emotional and social skills to attain their best abilities. The expansive abilities developed in students could not be denied for the results are very evident in the studies created by the authors. More so, this research aims to provide information that through dancing and education, students shall be able to contribute more to the future society not only in the economic view but also in the societal view. References Bradley, K. K. (2001). Dance education Research: What Train Are We On? National Dance Education Organization, 103, 31-35. Bresler, L. (1992). Dance Education in Elementary Schools. Design for Arts in Education, 93, 5. Camilleri, V. & Jackson, A. (2005). Nurturing Excellence through the Arts. Educational Leadership, 60-64. Dunkin, A. (2004). Gliding Glissade Not Grand Jete Elementary Classroom Teachers Teaching Dance. Arts Education Policy Review, 105, 23-29. Giguere, M. (2005). Revitalizing Pennsylvania through Creativity: Dance in Education. Arts Education Policy Review, 106, 34-39. Knowles, P. , and Sande, R. (1991). Dance Education in American Public Schools: Case Studies. Illinois: Council for Research in Music Education, School of Music, University of Illinois. Knowles, P. , & Sanders, R. (1992). K-12 Dance Education: Four Model Programs. Design for Arts in Education, 93, 5. Lazaroff, E. (2001). Performance and Motivation in Dance Education. Arts Education and Policy Review, 103, 23-29.